When you  advice  training  to    your  Direct  Selling  Agents, theycan   further start introducing new Direct Selling Agents andthe  process  goes  viral  thereby  creating  a  team  under  you.
Each of your direct Selling Agents becomes a vertical in  your group.
When a new Direct Selling Agent is  introduced in  any vertical under you who purchase the products, all the DirectSelling  Agent  in  this  vertical  including  you  will  earn GBV
(Group  Business  Volume).
T eam  Loyalty  Remuneration is  paid to  DSA active  on buildingsales  volume  equally  distributed  in  two  verticals.
When  an  existing  DSA  active  introduces  sale  of  200GBV / 400 GBVdirectly , equally distributed in  two verticals it  makes the first  T eam  Loyalty  Match point  of  the  sponsor  DSA  and  makeshim / her  eligible  for  T eam  Loyalty  Remuneration  upto  Rs.500/-  or  Rs.  1000/-  as  the  case  may.
When you  /  your  team  further  make sale  of  200 GBV /  400 GBV, again distributed equally in both the verticals, it makesanother T eam Loyalty Match point and you are again eligible to  earn  another  T eam  Loyalty  Remuneration  upto  Rs.  500/-  orRs.  1000/-  as  the  case  may  be.

• T eam  Loyalty  Remuneration  will  be  paid  on  the  basis  of  products  which  have  been  sold  till  T uesday  6PM.
• T eam  Loyalty  Remuneration  is  paid  to  active  DSAs  on  weekly  basis.
• The  maximum limit  for  T eam  Royalty  Remuneration  every  week  for  every  active  DSA  shall  be  upto  Rs.
• DSA  should  be  active  &  qualified.
• Qualified  DSA:  A  DSA  who  has  successfully  made  sales  of  400  .
•   =  Group  Business  Volume
• 1  GBV  =  Rs.  2.5/-• On third Introduced sale, company does not provide T eam Loyalty Remuneration. Instead a benefit of Rs.
70/-  will  be  paid  to  all  the  qualified  DSA’ s  there  in  the  upward  network  upto  15  levels  of  Introducer  DSA.
• T o  qualify  for  this  instant  income,  active  DSA  should  have  earned  a  minimum T eam  Loyalty  Remuneration  of
Rs.  1000/-  in  past  3  months.
• Company  reserves  its  right  to  change  /  modify  T eam  Loyalty  Remuneration.
• All  Incomes  are  subject  to  applicable  taxes.
• Active  Business  is  calculated  after  all  the  cancellations  and  refunds  deducted  from  the  current  week
Ÿ The maximum payout in T eam Loyalty Remuneration in Safe Shop Remuneration System   is capped up to
55% of total company-wide BV . If in any week the total payout of Incentives and Rewards exceeds 55% of
total Company wide GBV ,  the actual payout will be 55% and all Distributor commissions will be calculated
on  a  pro-rata  basis.